Monthly links you might want to “bookmark,” to online resources, magazines, and author sites informative and inspiring for working writers.
Featured Bookmarks: The Literary
The Best of the Net, Speculative Nonfiction, and On the Sea Wall make up this month's literary bookmarks.
Featured Bookmarks: The Literary
This month, DeWitt Henry features three talented writers to follow.
Featured Bookmarks: The Literary
The Drum: A Literary Magazine for Your Ears, The Ekphrastic Review, and prose writer Caroline Siegrist are featured in this month's bookmarks.
Featured Bookmarks: The Literary
More poetry bookmarks this month in honor of our contest. Hilary Vaughn Dobel, Carolyn Guinzio, and Cave Canem: A Home for Black Poetry.
Featured Bookmarks: The Literary
This month's poetry-centric bookmarks: Nausheen Eusuf, Adam Scheffler, Poetry Daily, and From the Fishouse.
Site Review: Meredith Sue Willis
Meredith Sue Willis’s website is packed with information about writing and teaching, her life as a prolific writer, and resources to craft a marketable book.
Featured Bookmarks: The Literary
May's literary bookmarks from DeWitt Henry include Essay Daily, McSweeney's, Memoir Monday, and Litbreak/Three Guys One Book.
Featured Bookmarks: The Literary
Every Writer,, Narratively, and Boomer Lit Mag make up April's literary bookmarks.
Featured Bookmarks: The Literary
LitReactor, Jane Friedman, and a variety of postmodern lit websites from Ted Gioia make DeWitt Henry's bookmarks this month.
Featured Bookmarks: The Literary
Aeon magazine, Guernica, and Brain Pickings are this month's recommendations for writers and readers.