About Us
The cornerstone of The Woven Tale Press is our magazine—a rare breed, at once a literary journal and an art publication. We take pride in the careful balance of the writing and the visual arts in each issue; distinctly different but equally resonate fine art forms that are perhaps best appreciated when one is complementing the other.
With our site interviews, reviews, guest posts, and more, we are also a premier online platform and conduit that links distinctive writers and artists with both those seeking a cultural domain and with literary and art venues actively searching for new talents to showcase or represent. We are committed to serving those in the literary and visual arts by offering our publication, and opportunities to become practiced in today’s changing dynamics of artistic success — increasingly measured by an aggregate online presence and audience.
What’s Our Story?
By Sandra Tyler, Editor-in-Chief and Founder
Since its inception in 2013, The Woven Tale Press has been through quite an evolution. While I knew it would be primarily an online entity, back then, my primary focus was to feature noteworthy bloggers; I had been blogging for a couple of years, and was frustrated with how quickly posts were relegated to my archives, how my online presence was largely obscured by the vastness of the web.
This obscurity can seem analogous to that of the lone writer at his desk or the artist in his studio, and for me, to my own mother; growing up, I had witnessed how as an artist herself, she persevered through self-doubts and disappointments to hone her own unique statement, and quite literally, in the obscurity of our cellar—never even referred to as a basement, with scant natural light. Everything about that cellar I remember as dark: the black linoleum floor spattered with dried paint; the empty brick fireplace; my mother in the shadows, sitting on a worn couch contemplating a canvas on her easel. The only truly bright light was a reflective one, off of that canvas, fresh paint glistening in the dull glow of a single overhead lamp. That is how I remember my mother’s paintings, quite literally luminous in an otherwise dark space.
My mother was the first person to whom I voiced my idea for The Woven Tale Press, when she took me out for lunch on my 50th birthday…

Elizabeth Sloan Tyler
Editor in Chief

Prose Editor

Poetry Editor

Arts Contributing Editor

Sandra Tyler Author of Blue Glass, a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and After Lydia, both published by Harcourt Brace. She earned her BA from Amherst College, and her MFA in creative writing from Columbia University. She has taught creative writing at Columbia University, NY; Wesleyan University, CT; Manhattanville College, NY. www.sandratyler.com
DeWitt Henry Founder of Ploughshares literary magazine; author of Sweet Marjoram: Notes and Essays; The Marriage of Anna Maye Potts (winner of the Peter Taylor Prize for the Novel); Safe Suicide: Narratives, Essays, and Meditations; Sweet Dreams: A Family History; and Falling: Six Stories. He has edited five anthologies, including Sorrow’s Company: Writers on Loss and Grief. A graduate of Amherst College, MA, he earned a PhD at Harvard University, and his MFA from The University of Iowa. He is Professor Emeritus of Emerson College, MA.
Sara London Author of the poetry collections The Tyranny of Milk and Upkeep (Four Way Books). Her poems have appeared in The Hudson Review, Poetry East, The Iowa Review, and The Common, among others. She is the author of two children’s books, and has reviewed children’s literature for The New York Times Book Review. She earned an MFA from the University of Iowa. She was fiction editor at Seventeen magazine; and as poetry editor at Special Report. She teaches at Smith College.
Richard Malinsky Lyrical abstract painter who has garnered awards from numerous adjudicated museum exhibitions, art associations and prominent galleries throughout the U.S. and abroad. He is represented in the permanent collections of The Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA; The New Britain Museum of American Art, CT; RCA Corporate Art Collection, NY; University of Connecticut Health Center, CT Thomas Jefferson University, PA; Ursinus College, PA.
Feature Writer

Indies Reviewer

Video Producer

Editorial Manager

Jennifer Nelson Memoir writer, teacher and former journalist. Her work has appeared on brevity.com and writingthrudivorce.com, among others.She earned an MFA in creative nonfiction from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and an MA in journalism from Columbia University.
Lanie Tankard Freelance writer, editor, and researcher; former production editor of Contemporary Psychology book review journal. Her own reviews have been published in World Literature Today, the Kansas City Star, the Austin American-Statesman, and Florida Times-Journal Magazine, among others. She has been published in River Teeth, Women’s Memoirs, Draft No. 4, and 100 Memoirs.
Heidi Stauff Originally from New England, she currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia, where she lives with her husband and two children. A former professional musician and singer, she holds a BA in English Literature from Liberty University, and her fiction and poetry is published in the Woven Tale Press, Rock & Sling and New Reader Magazine.
Angelica Smith Graduate of the Writing, Literature & Publishing program at Emerson College, MA. She has worked as a reader for Stork magazine, Central Square Theater, and Wilde Press.
Art Correspondent

Art Correspondent

Art Correspondent

Director of Marketing

Emelia Dubicki A painter and installation artist whose works have been exhibited nationally and internationally. She has been awarded residencies from the I-Park Foundation, the Vermont Studio Center, and the Wurlitzer Foundation. Her paintings are in numerous private and corporate collections.
Susan B. Apel She writes for dailyUV.com, and reviews The Arts Fuse and Delicious Line, among other art publications. She authors a column for Vermont Woman. Her creative nonfiction and poetry have appeared in Vine Leaves Literary Journal, Best of Vine Leaves 2015, Rhizomes, Vignette Review, Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review and Persimmon Tree.
John S. Berman He is the author of four books for Barnes and Noble Press and the Museum of the City of New York. He has served as contributing writer for the American Jewish Desk Reference, and helped develop exhibitions for the Greenwich Village Society for Historical Preservation, the Brooklyn Historical Society, and the Hudson River Parks Trust.
Adrienne Garland Founder of She Leads Media, a media and marketing consultancy dedicated to enhancing the visibility and influence of women around the world. She is a graduate of the Goldman Sachs Tory Burch 10,000 Small Businesses Program; a recipient of the 2018 WinTrade Award for International Women’s Network; and a New York Business Journal 2016 Class of Women of Influence Honoree. She holds an MBA in Marketing from the Stern School of Business, New York University, NY.
Contributing Editor

Contributing Editor

Contributing Editor

Contributing Editor

Richard Gilbert Author of Shepherd: A Memoir, about his family operation of a sheep farm in the remote hill country of Appalachian Ohio. He is the former marketing manager of Ohio University Press/Swallow Press, where he also helped acquire books, and a former reporter for newspapers in Georgia, Florida, and Indiana. He teaches writing at Otterbein University
David Hamilton Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Iowa; the author of Deep River: A Memoir of a Missouri Farm (University of Missouri Press), The Least Hinge (Frith Press, poems), Ossabaw (Salt Publications, poems), and numerous uncollected essays. The former editor of The Iowa Review, he also served as director of Iowa’s MFA Program in Nonfiction.
John Skoyles Author of six poetry collections; Generous Strangers, a collection of personal essays; and a memoir, Secret Frequencies: A New York Education; and an autobiographical novel, A Moveable Famine: A Life in Poetry, His work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Poetry, The American Poetry Review, and The Atlantic, among others. He is a professor in the Writing, Literature and Publishing Department of Emerson College, MA, and is poetry editor of Ploughshares. His most recent book, The Nut File, is published by Quale Press.
Joyce Peseroff Author of poetry collections Know Thyself, The Hardness Scale, A Dog in the Lifeboat, Mortal Education, and Eastern Mountain Time. She’s the editor of Robert Bly: When Sleepers Awake, The Ploughshares Poetry Reader, and Simply Lasting: Writers on Jane Kenyon. She is the recipient of a Pushcart Prize. At Ploughshares, she has been Managing Editor, Associate Poetry Editor, and Contributing Editor A Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, she is the former director of their MFA Program.