Yesterday I posted some images of a stack of books that I used in my Be Still 52 still life shoot over the week-end. Only with the books there were also a vase of tulips, a vintage camera, and some vintage photos. Today I want to share with you all a close up of one of the tulips that I shot with my DSLR and processed in Lightroom and Photoshop. This first version was just processed in Lightroom for crop, exposure, etc. Nothing else was done to it.

In my second version, I opened the first version in Photoshop and layered a texture that Kim Klassen had provided called Simple Set #1. I like how this gives the image a bit more depth as well as “dirtying up” the edges a bit.

For this version I removed the Simple Set #1 layer and applied in its place a layer called Simple Set #2. A little darker and “dirty”… certainly a difference to the original version. I’ll let you decide which one is best! (I like this version…but I’m that way.)