Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

Creating art, looking at art, watching shows about art and artists fills a good portion of my day. Hopefully you have something that fills your day with joy. Here are some great links for artists and art lovers. I hope you enjoy them.

nycartmap02-768x665Hyperallergic, an incredible art blog, says…”New York City has over 1,000 monuments across the five boroughs, and the new NYC Public Art Map and Guide plots them on an interactive map. The digital interface, recently launched by the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, is searchable by zip code and address, and includes both permanent and temporary installations.” So here’s a link to the site:




BasquiatWhile we’re still in the the television dull drums I thought I’d provide a link to and their listing of some great art movies (even though they didn’t mention Mr. Turner) Here’s the link




The Telegraph ( ran a story on an unbelievable flea market find and what the couple did!! Here’s the link

Maria long-lost 500-year-old engraving by the German Renaissance master Albrecht Durer has been found on sale for a few euros in a French flea market.




And this interesting art tool is just to much fun not to mention. www.drawlucy  Its a new Camera Lucida. ( I have no financial interest)DRaw Lucy

So there you have it. If there’s something you want to know about you can reach me at Until then:

Imagination is never still. The marks we make are verbs


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