WTP Roundup: From the Editor

WTP Roundup: From the Editor

September 2018

By Sandra Tyler, Editor-in-Chief

Hope you all had a terrific summer! Tomorrow our first fall WTP issue goes live. We held it until after the holiday to be sure it doesn’t get lost in all the end-of-summer festivities. And look this month for our art correspondent roundups, what you may have missed in the art scene.

And a reminder: Our 2018 WTP competition deadline is fast approaching, Sept 15th!

Now that it’s after Labor Day, you may have time to settle down and select those three or five poems or photos you want to submit. As a refresher: this is our second annual competition, and in memoriam to my mother, Elizabeth Sloan Tyler, who was an artist, WTP sponsors this unique opportunity to honor artistic and literary talents deserving of greater recognition. First prize in each category is a one-week stay in my mother’s former home, in the legendary Hamptons of Long Island, New York—home and destination to artists and writers from around the world. You do not need a car to enjoy your time there, only need to hop on the LIRR from New York City. Everything, including the Atlantic Ocean beach, is just one block away. And you can rent bikes as well!

Also, note that all submissions will be considered for publication in the WTP regularly monthly magazine on a rolling basis. (Do not duplicate submissions.) All past WTP contributors are welcome to submit (must be work other than what appeared in WTP).

And it’s an especially unique opportunity because if you win, I get to meet YOU! We feature artists and writers from around the world now, but I rarely get to meet you in person, and look forward to maybe barbecuing and a bottle of wine out on my mother’s deck overlooking her bird feeders, the occasional deer, and her woods. And where you can always hear the ocean:

Don’t wait until last minute—it’s much easier on our judges if they are no inundated! And I wish you all the best of luck!

For fine art submissions, go here.

For the literary, go here.

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