Don't Get Snookered By Your Own Worst Enemy - Make Friends

Don't Get Snookered By Your Own Worst Enemy - Make Friends

If there’s one thing I hate, it’s seeing writers down on themselves.  Any of this sound familiar? “I can’t fix dinner because everyone hates my book.” “I just got a one star review–my life is over.” “This thing sucks (delete delete delete).” Okay, maybe you don’t say that out loud, but have you thought it? …

De-cliché-ify A Phrase Like "Everything Went Black"

De-cliché-ify A Phrase Like "Everything Went Black"

What is that phrase you read that bugs you?  It’s not cliché (like all that and a bag of chips), but yet, because it appears in almost every single book you read, it is cliché.  My phrase:  Everything went black.  (Here’s a little something fun–the origin of the phrase “everything went black” and other clichés…)…