Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Joseph Hurka attended the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and has published his fiction in numerous literary quarterlies. His memoir, Fields of Light: A Son Remembers…
Category: WTP spotlight: fiction

A Bug's Perspective
Richard Ive's work in WTP Vol. VII #5 is a series of vignettes told from the perspective of bugs. Read the booklouse's story today. read more

Allan Spencer
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe here. IN THE WTP SPOTLIGHT: Allan Spencer lives in New York City, where he works in book publishing. He holds a BA in English Literature from Pepperdine University. His writing has appeared in Arcturus and on…

David Wheldon
Strait-Jacket and Padded Cell From WTP Vol. VII #6 Late one night I was stitching up a young schizophrenic man in a locked ward. It was a long but superficial wound: he had got hold of a broken bottle and had slashed his left forearm. It was the commonest injury in the hospital, at least,…

Beth Adelman
Scenes from Childhood: 1965 From WTP Vol. VII #6 This is the Bronx, and you will find beauty here only unexpectedly. The street names lack resonance; no one dresses with style; the usual complaints are made on the supermarket lines. The absence of things to see kept me indoors when I was young. I…

Eric Maroney
From WTP Vol. VII #5 Devoted By Eric Maroney “Tis too much proved—that with devotion’s visage And pious action we do sugar o’er The devil himself.”–Shakespeare Or sits and writes at the table and often turns her gaze toward the clouds congealing in the heat bubbling above her like a milky copula. The clouds arrive,…

Elizabeth Hamilton
From WTP Vol. VII #4 Go Boom By Elizabeth Hamilton If you’re a woman and you want to join the U.S. Army, the first thing the recruiter at the Army Recruiting Office in Dallas will tell you is to drive across the city to talk with the Air Force guys. The Army won’t turn you…

Salvatore Difalco
From WTP Vol. VII #3 Large Anthropomorphic Canary By Salvatore Difalco The only failure is not trying. That’s what I believe. And I have not been afraid to fail. Ask my agent. She knows. At least I think she knows. But in many respects, as I explained to my agent last time she answered…

Heidi Stauff
From WTP Vol. VI #8 Bird’s Nest Soup By Heidi Stauff Every Mother’s Day, Ren’s husband takes her to The Golden China Buffet with the gift certificate her daughter sends. This year, Jacob still takes her but pays out of his own pocket. “I’m going up for more crab legs. You want anything?” Jacob asks,…

Literary Spotlight: Robert Klose
From WTP Vol. VI #7 Sisters By Robert Klose If all the Russians in my small Maine town were planets, then Galina Sergeivna would be the star they orbited. In good times and bad, in joy or need, she was their center, their stillpoint. Nothing they said or experienced could surprise her. Having survived the…

Literary Spotlight: Robin van Eck
From WTP Vol. VI #7 Nicky Nicky Nine Doors By Robin van Eck An itch skittered across the nape of his neck. He peeked through the peephole. No shadows. No unwelcomed movement. Like the first time, he grasped the knob and pulled open the door slowly, listening for the hushed giggles. Scratch stepped onto the…

Literary Spotlight: Lynn Casteel Harper
From WTP Vol. VI #6 The Shut Door By Lynn Casteel Harper Sylvia entered my office and shut the door. As the chaplain at a retirement community, I’d grown accustomed to the closed door, to discussing life, death, doubt, suffering in hushed tones. She sat in the chair directly in front of my desk. She…