NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter! Today I’m at the threshold of Chew the Fat Gym-Dandy Spa and— *gasps* What’s going on in here? *stares at all vigorous activity* GIRL: *sitting at desk filing her nails* Hey, fella. Don’t just stand there. Time to get toned and tanned. NOSEY:…
Tag: Gum Drop Island

Cindy K. Green Orchestrates an Interview with I.B. Nosey
NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter! Today I’m coming to you from the music room of… Aack! *covers ears as loud drum noise beats against…well, his own ear drums* NOSEY: Hey! *Crowd of teenage chatter smothers Nosey’s outcry* NOSEY: Hey! I’m I.B. Nosey! *teens continue to yak and…

Gloria Repp Chatters Along with I.B. Nosey
NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter. Today I’m visiting with FoldySocks and the Three Pairs and— aaiii! *trips and falls face first. Pushes to all fours and shakes head* Hey, there oughta be a road sign! SQUEAKY VOICE: Whoever heard of road signs in forests?…