Patricia Anders is featured in Vol. III #11 of The Woven Tale Press What are you working on in your studio right now? I always have multiple projects going on simultaneously. I’m a fickle one and can not stick with one medium. Currently I am working on an encaustic book of experimental images and media.…
Tag: painting
Join me weekly when I share some of my favorite links I discovered in the previous week. By Seth Apter, Press Arts Editor Pre-order the magazine Faces – a special issue from the people who bring us Cloth Paper Scissors. Ellen November combines quilting with cartography. Essential tools for bookbinders from Paige Martin. Love the work of Harry Ally, first seen by…
By Seth Apter, Press Arts Editor Join me every Sunday when I share some of my favorite links I discovered in the previous week. Heather Day considers the process of accidental painting. Meet Fiona Dempster: the Type Detective. Caterina Giglio asks: What is art? Christine at Scrap Time shares her experience at the CHA Summer 2015 Paper Arts show. What…
By Seth Apter, Press Arts Editor Join me every Sunday when I share some of my favorite links I discovered in the previous week. Objects from nature intensely crocheted by Susanna Bauer to create fragile, stunning artworks. Money is the medium in the cut collage works from Mark Wagner. Love this gorgeous scrapbook page from Beck Beattie. Collagraph rocks from London-based printmaker Tessa Horrocks. Snapshots of…
By Seth Apter, Press Arts Editor Join me every Sunday when I share some of my favorite art links I discovered in the previous week. Berndnaut Smilde photographs rainclouds. Indoors… Kelly Kilmer shares tips on collage. Dina Wakley shares tips on loosening up when painting. Finding your purpose from Danny Gregory. Digging the look of these 2 mixed media cards (and video) from…
Glass Painting
By Wren Panzella Look for her work in upcoming August issue of The Woven Tale Press Glass transfer painting is a practice dating back to the Middle Ages, in which paint is applied directly to glass and viewed from the unpainted side. Since a painting on glass is particularly fragile, I use a technique invented…
The Painterly Print
By Donald Kolberg I have been providing lessons on how to create a Strappo and realized that I have modified the technique in a natural progression that I thought I would explain here. Briefly, Strappo’s are a monotype from a dry acrylic transfer. An acrylic painting is developed and painted in reverse on a clear…
“Another picture on another wall” (to the tune of…)
A too oft repeated quip of mine is that I’ll “tart” myself any time, any place, for a bit of attention. And sadly, that’s too close to the truth to joke about. But whereas I’ve never had “morning after” regrets about putting myself through whatever dubious little adventures life’s journey may cast in my path,…
Painting in Oils: An Artist's Studio Diary
By Jessica Zoob Oils are so amazing to work with and my current paintings, (some I’ve been working on for eight years so far!), are thick and lavish with oils in glorious colors. I am having so much fun being ridiculously extravagant! Lilies have become a motif for my work and are featured in many of…