Institute of Making
See Britta Fluevog’s work in WTP Vol. VI #1

handspun warp, mohair, rocks,
silk, stoneware, wool
approx. 11′ x 10′ x 10′
My work brings together a strong aesthetic and material-based practice into the realm of social justice. I use weaving, ceramics, performativity, and process as manifestations to expand the discourses of textile and political art. The relationship of textiles to social justice is used to create a working method in which to start my material explorations. Touch, texture, and the handmade are explored in relationship to the maker and the performance of making. Strong aesthetic and decorative elements in the work are employed to subvert traditional occidental devaluation of these elements particularly in relation to craft materials and women’s work.”
Britta Fluevog was awarded her Bachelor’s in Interdisciplinary Fine Art from NSCAD University. Upon graduation, she established a small ceramic co-op in Ghana, West Africa. She went on to earn her Master’s of Applied Art from Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver, Canada.