A Visual Reading

A Visual Reading

A WTP Voice & Vision

By Heidi Stauff, WTP Video Producer

The idea for Voice & Vision evolved in our Woven Tale Forum, where members are actively conversing on ways to support each other as writers and artists, brainstorming ways to work together. These collaborations, where the literary meets the arts, we hope serve as enhancements of these already resonate individual works.

Featured Writer: Rudy Melena

Rudy Melena has been associated with Light-house Writers for twelve years and participated in the Book Project, an intensive two-year program that resulted in a completed manuscript. IN 2016, his story “Angry Clouds,” published by Green Hills Literary Lantern, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. “Lessons from Shallow Water,” another short story, was a runner-up in a contest at El Andar Magazine. He lives in Denver, CO.

See his work in Vol. VII #2

Featured Artist: Amy Kanka Valdarsky

Amy Kanka Valadarsky was born in 1964 in Romania where she spent her first eight years before her family moved to Israel, the place she calls home. In 2014, after leaving a 25-year career in telecommunications, she opened a new chapter of her life as a fine art photographer. Her work was selected as a Critical Mass 2017 Top 50, as well as featured in SHOTS, Rfotofolio, The Hand, Black & White Magazine, Lenscratch and exhibited in a variety of galleries and photo festivals such as PhotoLa 2016, Carmel Center for photographic Art, and the Griffin Museum at Lafayette City Center (Boston).

See her work in Vol. VII #2

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