The idea for Voice & Vision evolved in our Woven Tale Forum, where members are actively conversing on ways to support each other as writers and artists. These collaborations, where the literary meets the arts, we hope serve as enhancements of these already resonate individual works. — By Heidi Stauff, WTP Video Producer —…
Category: Voice & Vision

Give me That Old Time Religion — Made Brand New
"Give me That Old Time Religion" is made brand new by Rickard Dokey -- listen to this wonderful and deeply telling story set to stunning visuals. read more

A Visual Reading
A video collaboration between WTP writer Rudy Melena and fine art photographer Amy Kanka Valadarsky. Where the Literary meets the visual arts. read more

My Father Eats Figs
A WTP Voice & Vision: a collaboration where the literary meets the arts. In "My Father Eats Figs," Ruth Knafo Setton's poem is set to the deeply resonate images of photographer Tatiana Rivero Sanz. read more

A WTP Voice & Vision: Last Hope
Woven Tale Press Voice & Vision is the result of collaborations between WTP writers and artists, where the literary meets the arts. read more