An Appreciation By Joyce Peseroff, WTP Contributing Editor Steven Cramer knows his way around a poem more than almost anyone I’ve had the pleasure of listening to. Quote a Dickinson line, and he’ll bring up two examples of how she uses the same diction elsewhere. He’ll find a writer like Robert Walser and re-envision his…
Tag: joyce peseroff

WTP 2018 Winner: Cynthia Manick
“As a poet, the poem has to be more than a single moment; it has to point to something.” Interview by Joyce Peseroff, WTP 2018 Poetry Judge Cynthia Manick is the author of Blue Hallelujahs (Black Lawrence Press, 2016), and is a Pushcart Prize–nominated poet with an MFA in Creative Writing from the New School.…

Book Review: Sweet Marjoram
Essays Inspired by Poetry By Joyce Peseroff, WTP Contributing Editor SWEET MARJORAM: NOTES AND ESSAYS by DeWitt Henry (Madhat Press, October 2018). 156pp, $21.95. I don’t usually write about prose, but Sweet Marjoram is an exception. In part, it’s because DeWitt Henry is a dear friend whose work I’ve read for decades. It’s also because…