“As a poet, the poem has to be more than a single moment; it has to point to something.” Interview by Joyce Peseroff, WTP 2018 Poetry Judge Cynthia Manick is the author of Blue Hallelujahs (Black Lawrence Press, 2016), and is a Pushcart Prize–nominated poet with an MFA in Creative Writing from the New School.…
Category: 2018 WTP Winners

WTP 2018 Third Place Literary Winner
Pamela Sumners Pamela Sumners is a constitutional and civil rights attorney, with a special interest in religion cases. A native Alabamian, she has litigated against Roy Moore, Jay Sekulow, Bill Pryor, and a governor who argued that the Bill of Rights doesn’t apply to Alabama. She has published her work with about twenty magazines and…

WTP 2018 Third Place Fine Art Winner
Jeremy Ackman I see photography as documenting the life around me. I started photographing my daily commute to work on the subway. From there to documenting my family, as a stay-at-home father I’ve been focusing on my daughter growing up and the world around us. By concentrating on my surrounding environments there is a bigger…

WTP 2018 Second Place Literary Winner
Rachel Michaud Rachel Michaud is a prize-winning poet and essayist. Her essays have been published in The Washington Post and the Hartford Courant, and heard on WAMC-Northeast Public Radio. Recently, her poetry was included in the anthology Birchsong, v. II (Blueline Press, 2018). Rachel made her living as a literacy teacher, and later as a…

WTP 2018 Second Place Fine Art Winner
Laura J. Bennett Umbilicus is a conceptual depiction of my life as both artist and mother. The spherical form is an element I have referenced in my work throughout my career. I sculpt spheres and build ‘sets’ in my studio, sometimes adding collected objects. The canvas backdrops are sourced from scanned antique glass negatives. I…

WTP 2018 First Place Fine Art Winner
Congratulations, Alexander Klang! recipient of the Elizabeth Sloan Tyler Memorial Award for fine art My subject is analog portrait photography. I am interested in encounters with strangers, usually in unfamiliar places. I am not interested in telling a story about these encounters, nor with artificial staging. I am more interested in natural expressions—the spontaneity of…

WTP 2018 First Place Literary Winner
Congratulations, Cynthia Manick! recipient of the Elizabeth Sloan Tyler Memorial Award for the literary Cynthia Manick is the author of Blue Hallelujahs (Black Lawrence Press, 2016). A Pushcart Prize–nominated poet with an MFA in Creative Writing from the New School; she has received fellowships from Cave Canem, Hedgebrook, the MacDowell Colony, Poets House, and the…

Announcing WTP 2018 Competition Winners!
First Place for both the literary and fine art is being awarded in memory of ~Elizabeth Sloan Tyler – My aesthetics as an editor have been shaped by my mother’s as an artist; I am forever indebted to her for teaching me how to ‘see,’ then how to translate that seeing into my own unique…