"Starters" from Ellen Doré Watson

"Starters" from Ellen Doré Watson

Ellen Doré Watson offers a series of  “starters” for generating the raw material for new poems. The following prompts are inspired by “Three Girls, One of Them a Coward Girl” (from Kingdom Animalia) by Aracelis Girmay. Once you’re launched, the aim is to ride those winds of originality. (As always, any remaining “borrowed” bits should…

Nathan McClain

Nathan McClain

“I was concerned…that these were the only poems I’d ever write.” Interview by Sara London, WTP Poetry Editor Nathan McClain is the author of Scale (Four Way Books, 2017) and a recipient of fellowships from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, The Frost Place, and the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. Currently, he teaches at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts,…