Visual Poetry Video by Carolyn Guinzio Though Carolyn Guinzio is primarily a poet, she works across mediums, using light, sound, text and image in an effort to reach spaces that are inaccessible through text alone. Her newest collection is A Vertigo Book (The Word Works, 2021), winner of The Tenth Gate Prize and finalist for…
Category: audio poetry

“The Earth has had enough of our disrespect.” Video by Susan DiPronio Susan DiPronio lives in Philadelphia and founded “Pink Hanger Presents” dedicated to giving voice to the unique life experiences of women. She is a photographer and writer of poems, plays, and memoir pieces at times combining poetry and prose with stills and film.…

Things I Carry Into the World
“Like thunderclouds, I don’t stray far from earthly things” Video by Jamil McGinnis and Pat Heywood Inspired by the work of four New York City poets, THINGS I CARRY INTO THE WORLD is an abstract meditation on the body, the feminine, the everyday realities of being young and black, and the fragile relationship between the…

either | savannah brown | video poem
Poet and Content Creator my name is savannah brown and i’m a nineteen-year-old poet and content creator originally from ohio, but i’ve been studying in london for the past two years. i’ve been on youtube for more than five years, performing my original spoken word poetry and making videos dealing with topics like sexuality, gender, mental health,…

River Love—Ndaba Sibanda
Audio Poetry for your Listening Pleasure River Love Flow flow with fury With buckets and buckets Of love sweet love for my lover Fall fall for me fall for all time`s sake Rain on me fire none to put out Each time l slap my eyes on you slow I feel like pouring pouring my…

Listen to Kirstin Maguire
Audio Poetry: The Writing Life By Kirstin Maguire [dropcap]K[/dropcap]irstin Maguire produces her poems in audio at SoundCloud as well as publishing them in numerous publications and collections, including Every Day Poems, The Guardian, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine and Cannon Poets. Her debut collection was a collaboration with Artist Jane Moore— the Sketch A Day…

Video Poetry: Aaron Fagan
My Entrepreneurial Spirit Aaron Fagan on Video Poetry [dropcap]V[/dropcap]ideo offers an opportunity to add texture and dimension to a poem, and perhaps a different, hopefully more inviting, way to experience poetry. I’m not looking for any literal relationship, I just like how language, music, and image can correspond with each other like a dialogue. Aaron Fagan…