Inside the Studio with Deborah Kruger Inside the Studio offers a behind-the-scenes peek into the work environments of WTP artists, as well as insight into their creative process within these resonate spaces. See Deborah Kruger’s work in WTP Vol. IX #10. By Jennifer Nelson, WTP Feature Writer Deborah Kruger raves about the benefits of a home-based studio…
Tag: installation

Latin America and a Modernist Trilogy
Rodrigo Valenzuela, who was born in Chile, lives and works in Los Angeles, where he is an assistant professor and head of the photography department at the University California, Los Angeles. Valenzuela works across photography, video, and installation, merging his interest in art history, architecture, the concept of work, and the realities of laborers. He…

Mixed Media Installation and Elegraph Printmaking
Amir Hariri left a career in engineering and design to become a full-time artist, creating paintings, elegraph printmaking, and mixed media sculpture and installation. read more

Multi-Media Artist
Wen Yu is a multi-media artist from Suzhou, China, who now lives in Boston where she creates research-based projects that integrate art, technology, story-telling, and tangible materials. read more

Summer 2019 Highlights By John S. Berman, WTP Art Correspondent Four times a year, WTP art correspondents from around the country will report back on the previous season, with images from exhibitions you otherwise might have missed, and their own insights into these varied venues. Since summer is the season for travel, it feels somehow…

The Paper Wall
“Besides keeping out the unwanted, it imprisons those inside.” Video by Francesca Fini “THE PAPER WALL is a pictorial-performative installation that will develop during daily sessions for a whole week. The installation begins with the construction of a symbolic wall, made by assembling cardboard modules found by chance in the network, whose sinister shape—which would…

Sarah Nesbitt
Photography Challenging Objectivity By Richard Malinsky, Arts Editor Photography has long been perceived as objective visual truth. However, a photograph can alter perceptions and be just as open to misinterpretation as recorded history, and it is within this discrepancy where multimedia photographer Sarah Nesbitt finds her inspiration. For her images, she researches forgeries, memory, misattribution,…

Site Review: Lali Torma
Art as Personal Paradigm By Richard Malinsky, Arts Editor Lali Torma was born in communist Romania and migrated to Canada where she began a new life in the financial industry. On her website, she describes how her new career lacked personal expressive opportunities and why she began to explore painting. After completing an MBA from…

Video: Round and Round
Multimedia Performance Art Installation Video by Bogdan Moroz “Round and Round” raises the question of importance. What are the selection criteria, the conditions for casting and who is on the jury? The shape was born after the visit of the Dovzhenko Center space, from a household conversation with the managers about the children’s zone. The…

Donald Martiny
One World Trade Center Installation See more of Martiny’s work in The Woven Tale Press Vol. IV #6 In 2015 Martiny was commissioned for installation works at One World Trade Center. As the works were to be too large to fit through the doors, he actually painted them on site, moving his “studio” for two months into the lobby…