A WTP Voice & Vision: a collaboration where the literary meets the arts. In "My Father Eats Figs," Ruth Knafo Setton's poem is set to the deeply resonate images of photographer Tatiana Rivero Sanz. read more
Category: video

Things I Carry Into the World
“Like thunderclouds, I don’t stray far from earthly things” Video by Jamil McGinnis and Pat Heywood Inspired by the work of four New York City poets, THINGS I CARRY INTO THE WORLD is an abstract meditation on the body, the feminine, the everyday realities of being young and black, and the fragile relationship between the…

The Paper Wall
“Besides keeping out the unwanted, it imprisons those inside.” Video by Francesca Fini “THE PAPER WALL is a pictorial-performative installation that will develop during daily sessions for a whole week. The installation begins with the construction of a symbolic wall, made by assembling cardboard modules found by chance in the network, whose sinister shape—which would…

A WTP Voice & Vision: Last Hope
Woven Tale Press Voice & Vision is the result of collaborations between WTP writers and artists, where the literary meets the arts. read more

The Art of Stone Carving: Mark Yale Harris
“I’m passionate about sculpture.” Video Directed by Donald Flaks Donald Flaks, Director/Producer, Videographer Holly Miely, Performer Mark Yale Harris realized his true passion in the Southwest. Stone carving became his life’s work, as Santa Fe became his home in the late 1990s. He dedicated himself to creating in 1996, and with much to learn, the…

George Fellner: Photographer and Architect
Imaginary Realms: Crystal Photography Video by The Voice of Art Gallery & Studio George Fellner is committed to a dual life-path involving visual discovery and design, relating to both the natural and built environments. Inspired by his travels as well as his in-depth involvement with photo essays, George’s photographic subjects include landscape, architecture, travel, portrait, and…

The Boro Project
Poured Paintings on Canvas Video by Bette Ridgeway Watch artist Bette Ridgeway as she works with her team in a warehouse in Santa Fe, NM, to create a 15′ x 21′ triptych installed January 12, 2019, at the Boro Tower in Tysons, VA. (The borough is a new district within Tysons being developed by The…

ARS Finnish Art
Art Speaks for Itself Video by Annariitta Saarelainen “With my background in photography, I moved onward to metal art, obtained a degree in audiovisual communication, and have of late landed on sculpture. I’m currently focused on wood graphics and sculptures. I see my surroundings through mediums of light and shadow. My roots as a photographer manifest in…

Video: Nikoleta Sekulovic
Behind ALETHEIA Every single woman is different; the way my models pose reflects a part of who they are, expressing their personality. There is no pretense, no trying to act out, they are simply themselves, and that’s great. The way a woman thinks she should look or tries to conform to an ideal of beauty should…

Video: Inland Geography
Small Intimacies on Film Video by Mélanie Patris In my search for a larger purpose in life, I found that I was evading the intimacies of my daily life. The desire to address this evasion was to highlight these moments in a movie. The traces here of those moments is what I refer to as my inner geography.” Mélanie Patris is a Belgian photographer, as well as a…

Video: Off Switch
Experimental Image and Percussion Video by Robert Gorman “Off Switch” is a multimedia experimental live sound piece that explores the nonverbal dialogue created between visual imagery and experimental sound. Gorman’s use of the moving image in this video hangs between its movement and unknown, yet familiar landscapes’ changing position, while the viewer is subjected to…

Video: Frutex-circulus Timelapse
Free-Motion Quilting in Action Video by Shea Wilkinson I create art quilts using free motion quilting and hand-embroidery. Aside from loving the act of quilting, and the daily rhythm of the machine, I also enjoy the chance to immerse myself in topics that I find visually and intellectually exciting. The stories that I tell through…