Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Susan Johnson received her MFA and PhD from UMass Amherst, where she teaches writing. Her poems have recently appeared in Rhino, Into the Void,…
Category: WTP spotlight: poetry

Plague Year April Morning
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Michael Thurston’s most recent book is Houses from Another Street, a novel (Levellers Press, 2019). Other books include Reading Postwar British and Irish Poetry…

The Donkeys In October Wind
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Corinne Demas is the award-winning author of thirty-five books for adults and children, including The Writing Circle and other novels, two short story collections…

Drawn to the Light
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Neil Carpathios is the author of six poetry collections, including The Door on Every Tear(2020), Far Out Factoids(2017), Confessions of a Captured Angel (2016),…

A Journey of Nuns
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Susannah Lee’s poems were inspired by Carmelite nuns who, in the 1990s, journeyed from Iceland to the Arctic Circle to build a monastery. An…

Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Stephen Campiglio’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Aji, Chiron Review, Circumference (Pi Poetry), Glimpse, Journal of Italian Translation, Pensive, Stand, The Wayfarer,…

Night Ships Blues Villanelle
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Tim Seibles’ seventh poetry collection, Voodoo Libretto: New and Selected Poems, will be published in Janaury 2022 by Etruscan Press. His other books include One…

Emu at the Zoo
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Paul Hostovsky’s most recent book is Deaf & Blind (Main Street Rag, 2020). His poems have won a Pushcart Prize, two Best of the…

Logan at Five Begins
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Karina van Berkum’s work has appeared in publications including Ploughshares, Five Points, and Strange Horizons, for which she received a Rhysling Award nomination. She…

Glosa on Migration
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Adrienne Su is the author of the new poetry collection Peach State (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021). Her other books include Living Quarters,…

Outsider Art
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Richard Cole is the author of two books of poetry, The Glass Children (University of Georgia Press) and Success Stories (Limestone Books). He is…

Concepts of Math
Enjoy our WTP Spotlights, notable selections featuring artists and writers from our Woven Tale Press magazine. To read the issue in full subscribe and you can also register on our site to enjoy our archive. Sydney Lea, a former Pulitzer finalist, founded and for thirteen years edited New England Review. His twentieth book, and his thirteenth collection of poems,…